Checkout this interview with Thierry Muller from the Google open source team about the me and XWP having been doing on object caching to improve WordPress performance.
Dev notes for WordPress 6.0
The developer notes and I worked on / reviewed for WordPress 6.0. There is much work that goes into these.
Announcing the Classic Menu Block plugin
Today I am happy to announce a new plugin I have been working on called classic menu block. This is a very simple plugin that adds a new classic menu block to the gutenberg editor. The classic menu block, allows you to embed all the existing menus you have setup on your site, using the existing core function, wp_nav_menu by rendering the block’s output in PHP. This means for those using menus with super custom walkers and plugins that hook into the existing menus filters, these can now be used within, blog posts, block based widget areas and even within full site editing. This differs from the new navigation block, which takes existing menu data and migrates to nested navigation link blocks. For information, checkout the announcement blog post.
This plugin requires WordPress 5.9 to function, as it relays on the new menus endpoints added in this function. This is something near and dear to my heart, as I worked on the menus endpoints for nearly 2 and half years to get them into core. More details on this announcement can be found on the blog.
For those that wish to customize attributes passed to the wp_nav_menu, there is a filter called classic_menu_block_attributes. This would allow you change any attributes passed to the wp_nav_menu function.
/** * Filters menu attributes. * * @since 0.1.0 * * @param array $menu_attrs Menu attributes. * @param array $attrs Block attributes. */ $menu_attrs = apply_filters( 'classic_menu_block_attributes', $menu_attrs, $attrs );
The plugin currently only comes with very basic styling of the menu block. Styling for this block, should come from the theme. However, if you are interested in contributing, please feel free to submit a pull request on github.
I wrote this plugin, to help those that are dipping their toes into the full site editing world. I hope this solves a problem for some people.
Becoming a WordPress core committer.
As you may or not have seen from my original tweet or from the make WordPress blog, in November, it was announced that I am now officially a WordPress core committer.
It has been over a month, since I tweeted about this and a lot has happened. I have been very actively involved in the WordPress 5.9 beta process. Even commiting a number, 52342, 52286, 52268 of important bug fixes and feature of the part of this release. But I haven’t really taken the time to think about this massive honor that I have been given. I have been working on open source, since 2009 and have been actively contributing to WordPress since 2013. I have got many features and tweaks merged to core over this time. But I have always had an eye set on getting commit access someday. It is a goal I set for myself back in 2019. I remember talking to friends at Wordcamp US 2019 about it. Having a goal in life is important and I wanted to good enough to call myself a core committer. It is something I worked really hard at, helping wherever I could and just writing good, well tested code. I don’t take this honor lightly and I understand the pressures this put me under. But this is something that is personally very important to me. It is honestly one of the proudest moment of my life when I finally got this access. There are so many people that have helped me on journey, that if I tried to list them all, I would forget people. But I would like to make special shout out to Pascal Birchler, who nominated me for WordPress committer access and supported me all along the way.
I now understand much better, how much work goes into even the most simple patch. Checking, rechecking, run lints and unit tests. Even commiting a simple patch to core can take hours and hours of your life. I am not sure, that people really understand how much love and care go into WordPress. People build WordPress not code. I have a new found respect for all my follow committers.
If you are interested in sponsor my open source work, I have enabled sponsorship via github.
Thank you to everyone to help me along the way and he is to making 43% of the web better!
Becoming a maintainer of the REST API in WordPress Core
I am happy to announce that I am now officially a maintainers of the REST API in WordPress Core. I join a list of very well respected names in the WordPress community.
The reason I have done this, is that the REST API is important to the future of the WordPress project and the open web. The block based editor, gutenberg was only possible because of the REST API. It is no secret that I think that the REST API is important. I have spoken about REST API Authentication at WordCamp US 2019, built a plugin to expose block data in the REST API and worked heavily on the REST API over different releases.
I hope to bring many improvements to the REST API in the coming releases. Watch this space for updates. If you are interested in supporting my work consider sponsoring me.
Support for WebP image format lands in WordPress 5.8
I worked heavily on the WebP implementation in WordPress 5.8. I wrote up a blog post about on the XWP’s blog. In this blog is explains exactly what WebPs and why they are so important to the web. Check it out.
REST API Blocks plugin update
The REST API blocks plugin, has been available to download via github, since June 2019. You can checkout the original blog post where I discuss the use of this plugin here.
But I got a request from a user to add the plugin to the plugin repo. Normally, I don’t submit my plugins to the plugin repo, as they are developer focused, but in this case, it seems to makes sense to submit this one. So if you want to download this plugin, it can be found here. If you are using composer, I have also submitted it to packagist, so it can also be installed via composer.
Along with the plugin now easier to get than ever, I also released version 0.3.0. This update includes.
- Improved handling of table blocks.
- Improved translations.
- Improved error handling, if composer install is not run.
The future of the plugin
I am currently actively maintaining the plugin and adding new features. If you have any feature request, please feel free to add them in as a github issue.
As of WordPress 5.8, there is a new block based widget editor. There is a pull request to a block data to the new widget rest api. I hope this functionality merged and get a version 0.4.0 out very soon.
I want to get to the point, there the unit test coverage is a such that it is a plugin that can be used widely. It is useful for others to use this plugin and help me find bugs and test the code. I hope in the future, that this plugin could be used to create a template for a WordPress core patch, meaning this functionality would be part of WordPress. But while blocks are actively changing and with full site editing around the corner, but feels like this functionality should live as a plugin, for the near future.
I hope you joy the plugin, if you have an feedback, please create a github issue. If you like my work and want to see more of it, I opened sponsorship via my github sponsor page.
Detect if video has audio
While working on the Web Stories for WordPress plugin and working on functionality to mute videos, there was a need to detect if a video already had audio or not. But doing some quick googling, I noticed there none of the answers I found online works well or at all. Worse yet, the answers were not written using modern javascript, either not using promises or using jQuery. So today, I am sharing this gist, in hopes that the next person who comes across this problem, has a workabout solution.
Client-Side Video Optimization
Resharing from Pascal Birchler. Pascal wrote an amazing summary of some of the work we have been doing on the web stories plugin to optimize video in browser.
Open for sponsorship
I have been contributing to WordPress since 2015. In my 6 years of contributing I have worked on nearly all parts of core, spreading my contribution to the parts of WordPress I felt that needed me the most. In my time I have help land, some features I am really proud of. These include but are not limited too
- White screen of death protection.
- Default meta values
- WP_Site_Query and WP_Network_Query.
- Block types REST API
- Lazy loading images.
- WebP support.
- And many more.
Today I announce that I’ve started accepting sponsorship via the GitHub Sponsors program. I am asking for sponsorship, so that I can continue to work on open source and dedicate more time to and not be restricted by limited time between client projects. This ensures that going forward, I continue to contribute and keep making the open web better.
I want to make it clear, even without sponsorship, I will continue to work on open source, but support will help me maintain my plugins and tools and keep them free for everyone.
What have I been working on in WordPress 5.5
WordPress 5.5 is fast coming around the corner and in my opinion, it is going to be a massive release. There is a lot in this release. With all the extra time I have on my hands, now that I am unable to travel, I decided to focus my energies on open source. This gives me something to do and hopefully helps the wider community. I thought I would highlight some of the tickets, I am especially proud to have worked on and will likely end up in the WordPress 5.5 release.
Menu / Menu item / Menu location REST API endpoints
This ticket has been over year in the making. The original first patch to the feature plugin was in June 2019. But it was then merged to the gutenberg plugin. These endpoints, will allow developers to get menus data. The plan is use to rebuild the menus screens in WordPress core. It will also help with developers that wish to use menu data in a headless WordPress front end.Block Type REST API endpoint
The block type REST API goes along with another piece of work that the gutenberg team has been working to register all core blocks in PHP. The hope is to someday use this endpoint in the WordPress mobile app, to allow custom blocks to be supported on mobile.Plugins REST API endpoint
This REST API endpoint, allows developers to install, activate and deactivate on single and multisite. This work was done for the block directory project. But my personal hope is that, it will be used for remote management tools.Scripts and Style REST API endpoint
This REST API endpoint is again part of the block directory project. But has a lot of useful applications. One of which will be allowing for the gutenberg team to lazy load scripts and styles in core, enabling better performance.Return all themes into the themes REST API
This is a simple extension to the themes endpoint, so all themes are received. This is a step towards, having all data for themes in the REST API.Add default value to register meta
This has been in the works for nearly 2 years. Meta data, like post meta, does not support default values. This makes it a little outlier in core, as options and network options do support a default value. This change adds a new filter for default values and leverages, the register meta function.Introduce wp_cache_get_multi()
This ticket is something I have been thinking about for 8 years. It is has been a lot of work to get this one into core. But it is massive possible performance benefits for WordPress core. It means that object-cache drop-ins can now, get multiple values in one request. The hope is that receiving values from cache will be much faster.There are many other thing I have been working on, but these are my favours. Thanks to XWP for giving me time to work on these tickets. Here is hoping that all of them make into WordPress 5.5.
WordCamp US 2019 Talk – The REST API and Authentication
Here is the video from the talk that I did from WordCamp US 2019. In this talk, I discuss the different types and solutions for the authentication in the REST API.
Since this presentation, there is a new core project for authentication. It is still in the research stages, but well worth following on the github repo.
More reading
Getting gutenberg block data in the REST API
WordPress core added the block editor in version 5.0.0, changing fundamentally how WordPress stores and displays elements in post (page) content. The block editor, named gutenberg, is written using react and uses the WordPress REST API to interact with data in WordPress. So you maybe forgiven to believe that it would then be easy to interact with blocks and block data (attributes) via the REST API. However it is not, but to understand why, first you must understand how block data is stored.
Take the following example.
<!-- wp:button {"className":"is-style-outline"} --> <div class="wp-block-button is-style-outline"><a class="wp-block-button__link" href="#">test</a></div> <!-- /wp:button -->
This example shows how a the core/button block is stored in post content in the database. Blocks are represented as mixture of html comments (with a json object) and html tags. A block is defined with the starting comment
<!– wp: . Blocks can either have an opening and closing tag (like the button block above) or a single line like the following search block example.
<!-- wp:search /-->
Block data is used to define how the block behaves and renders. Block data can be stored in one of two ways. First, as a json blob in the html comment, see the className in the core button in the above example. Handling this data, once parsed, is pretty simple in javascript or in other systems that can modify json. The second way of storing data is as part of the html markup inside the block. Take for example how the button block is defined.
{ "name": "core/button", "category": "layout", "attributes": { "url": { "type": "string", "source": "attribute", "selector": "a", "attribute": "href" }, "title": { "type": "string", "source": "attribute", "selector": "a", "attribute": "title" }, "text": { "type": "string", "source": "html", "selector": "a" }, "backgroundColor": { "type": "string" }, "textColor": { "type": "string" }, "customBackgroundColor": { "type": "string" }, "customTextColor": { "type": "string" } } }
As you can see from this block definition, attributes like url, title and text are all stored in the html of the block. Data can be stored in the contains of the html tags, meaning everything that appears after the close of the opening tag and before the end of the tag. Or data can also be stored in attributes of the tag, such as the href or title. This can make working with block data extremely difficult.
Processing block data
When rendering blocks in WordPress in the front end (theme) on for example a post page, the PHP will parse the html that contains blocks (post content). Core does this, as blocks can have registered script associated with them, which are defined using register_block_type. The function parse_blocks uses regex, to find the block definition and return an array of blocks. From there, it loops around each block, and enqueues the registered javascript libraries. Each element in the array, as a field called attributes, this contains all the fields and data defined in the html comment (json blob). However, what is missing from these attributes is the data found in the html attribute / tags. At the time of writing (in WP 5.2), core doesn’t parse these fields and return them as usable data. To be able to extract data from html, PHP would have to parse the html of the block and navigate the doc tree generated using css selectors, to get the tag and field where the data is stored. This would be a resource intensive process and result in false positives. Even if this process wasn’t resource intensive, at time of writing it is not possible to process all blocks. Many blocks both core and ones defined in plugins are only defined in the javascript, meaning the PHP is completely unaware of the block and associated block data.
Defining block data
As part of an going project to be able to use gutenberg in the WordPress mobile app, the gutenberg team have been working on a RFC to define block structure. This project hopes to define the structure of a block as a platform independent json file. This file can then be used by both the javascript and PHP, to define each block and make so the both the server and front end are aware of all blocks. Once the blocks are defined, the core team plan to make two new REST APIs. These new apis are documented in this post.
Fetching the available block types through REST APIs.
Fetching block objects from posts through REST APIs.Once these apis exists, headerless applications like the WordPress mobile app or a headerless frontend written in react or a similiar framework, could much easier use block data to render.
It is likely that it take some time to get all existing blocks converted to this new style and will require efforts from developers to do so. It is likely that functions required to register the block in PHP, will not be merged until 5.3 at the earliest.
Accessing block data now
What if you need access to this block data now and you can’t wait? Well, you are in luck, there is a proof of concept plugin, called wp-rest-blocks written to expose this data. Once installed and activated, this plugin adds two field to the post / page REST API endpoints. These fields are ‘has_blocks’ and ‘blocks’. Has block is a boolean, the denote, if the post content contains blocks and the blocks field, is an array of blocks. An example of the output is displayed below.
{ "blockName": "core/heading", "attrs": [ ], "innerBlocks": [ ], "innerHTML": "\n<h2><strong>Flight Deals to Tianjin</strong></h2>\n", "innerContent": [ "\n<h2><strong>Flight Deals to Tianjin</strong></h2>\n" ], "rendered": "\n<h2><strong>Flight Deals to Tianjin</strong></h2>\n" },
As detailed above, it is not possible to get all block data currently. But this plugin does get existing block data found in the html comment which in many cases would be enough. But there is also a “rendered” field, that has the fully rendered block. This is specially useful for dynamic blocks. If the block uses lots of html attibributes to store block data, the innerContent or rendered fields, can be used to extract this data. The api, even supports nested inner blocks, returning an array of the inner blocks, in each block recursively.
I have also made an effort to try and extract block data of core blocks. Current I have mapped data of the following core blocks.
- Image
- Gallery
- Heading
- Paragraph
- Button
- Video
- Audio
- File
There is even some unit test coverage, in case there are some breaking changes in core in the future. This plugin is in the very early stages, but maybe a good starting point for anyone wishing to build a front end using headerless WordPress.
I was a guest on the WordPress weekly podcast
I had the honour of being invited to talk on the hosts of the WordPress weekly podcast this week (episode 356). I have been listening to the podcast for years and been friends with JJJ (the co host) for a while.
I talked about on many topics and spoke a little bit about how I got into the industry. In the podcast I mention the RFCs the gutenberg team have released. There is an “Add the block registration RFC” and “Add Blocks in Widget Areas RFC“. The widget area RFC, is one where I wished more developers had commented and fedback.
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